Kepler - Recuperación de espacios contaminados y consultoría medioambiental

Recovery of Damage to the Environment

Soil decontamination

The company has an experienced, committed and creative team of professionals that has their own workshops and biotechnology laboratory.

Home » Recovery of damage to the Environment

Icon Investigation of potentially contaminated sites.

Investigation of
potentially contaminated sites.

Icon Decontamination of soils.

of soils.

Icon Repair, Protection and Avoidance of Damage to Surface and Groundwater.

Repair, Protection and Avoidance of Damage to Surface and Groundwater.

Icon Microbiological techniques.

Microbiological techniques.

Icon Disaster management with hazardous products.

Disaster management with hazardous products.

Icon Landscape restoration.

Landscape restoration.

Icon Decontamination of industrial buildings.

Decontamination of
industrial buildings.

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