Kepler - Recuperación de espacios contaminados y consultoría medioambiental

Optimization and efficiency

Treatment of contaminated soil and water

KEPLER has an exxperimental, dynamic and creative research team and owns a biotechnological laboratory

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Research, development and innovation

Proceso microbiológicos involucrados en los procesos de tratamiento de suelos y aguas contaminados

Every year KEPLER makes important investments in its R + D + i department in order to improve each of its business lines. R & D confers the knowledge to understand in depth the physical, chemical and microbiological processes involved in the treatment processes of contaminated soil and water, thus allowing them to be optimized and adapted to obtain maximum efficiency.

Moreover, networking and collaboration with universities and technology centres, national and international, have led to the development of a large number of avant-garde products and processes, some of them having been disseminated in various national and international scientific publications.

The company has an experienced, dynamic and creative research team that has its own biotechnology laboratory.