Kepler - Recuperación de espacios contaminados y consultoría medioambiental

Biotechnology laboratory

Analysis and study

Since 2004, KEPLER has a biotechnology laboratory, which supports the consulting department and contributes to maintaining the intense R & D & I activity developed in the company.

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Laboratorio Análisis microbiológicos en suelos y aguas

Biotechnological laboratory

The laboratory offers a wide portfolio of services, among which are:
Microbiological analysis in soils and waters
– Counts on plate
– Ecotoxicity tests
– Quantification of enzymatic activity

Recuentos en placa
Ensayos de ecotoxicidad

Feasibility studies in soils, waters and sludges

In order to evaluate if it is feasible to apply microbiological techniques as a tool for the recovery of a contaminated matrix it is necessary to previously carry out feasibility tests to rule out possible inhibitions on the microbiology involved in the process.

Furthermore, biogas potential tests are carried out on sludge to evaluate its performance as a possible substrate in an anaerobic digestion process.

Estudios de viabilidad en suelos, aguas y lodos

Isolation and development of specific microbiological consortiums applied in decontamination projects

KEPLER has a collection of microbiological consortiums adapted to different pollutants in order to reduce the time of treatment in bioremediation projects. Likewise, the laboratory carries out the isolation of bacterial strains and incubation of their inocula to be subsequently applied in contaminated sites.

Aislamiento y desarrollo de cultivos específicos

Design and development of heuristic tests (“R & D on demand”)

Approach and development of experimental tests in order to identify and solve a specific problem.

Diseño y desarrollo de ensayos heurísticos

Microbiological screening

Study of microbiological activity in decontamination projects in order to identify possible improvements, optimizing the performance of the biota involved in the process.