Dual stage: unique technology
The “double-stage” technology or system was developed exclusively by our partner SnowLeopard after exhaustive studies of the different processes of anaerobic digestion within the 6th Framework Program of the European Union. It represented a great qualitative leap in the production of this renewable gas, as recognized by important innovation awards in Germany, a reference country in the biogas sector. This technology not only optimizes the anaerobic digestion process, but also gives its plants great flexibility in using the different substrates available. This results in smaller plants with better yields. Its efficiency and reliability has been proven by more than 20 years of experience and more than 50 plants in operation in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa.
Dual stage systems
Separation of the anaerobic digestion process into two “phases” or “stages”. Learn more about anaerobic digestion.
Single-stage plants
They have one or more digesters in which all the phases of the biogas production process take place:.
- Hydrolytic
- Acidogenic
- Acetogenic
- Methanogenic
Dual stage systems
They include two hydrolysis tanks in addition to the digesters. Separating and optimizing the anaerobic digestion phases:
- Hydrolysis tanks: hydrolysis and acidogenesis.
- Digesters: acetogenesis and methanogenesis.
Feeding tank
Storage tank
Feeding tank
Hydrolysis Tank I and II
Storage Warehouse
Proven advantages of the dual stage
They have their scientific-biological explanation in that:
- The different microorganisms involved in the anaerobic digestion process require specific conditions and ecosystems (pH, temperature, nutrients…etc.) and
- With the separation of stages, environments adapted to them are created, thus enhancing their characteristics.
These microorganisms include:
- Hydrolytic bacteria: resistant and tolerant to oscillations in the environment and type of substrate.
- Methanogenic bacteria: very sensitive to any disturbance.
Esta evidencia empírica genera importantes beneficios:
Menor CAPEX y espacio en tanques
- Tanques más reducidos
- Reducción y eliminación de sistemas no necesarios:
- Post digestor
- Compostaje del sólido
- Posibilidad de instalación en parcelas reducidas (< 2,5Ha)
Mayor rendimiento y menor OPEX
- Capacidad de producción de biometano, en función del sustrato, de hasta un 35% superior.
- Menores costes de mantenimiento gracias al empleo de equipos de alta calidad.
- Higienización en el propio digestor gracias a las condiciones del proceso de doble etapa.
- Ausencia de olores
- Menores emisiones de CO2
- Flexibilidad en el cambio de sustratos y en el nivel de producción (incluso diaria) gracias a:
- La mayor frecuencia de alimentación del tanque
- Los menores tiempos de retención
- Con la acidificación biológica, mayor capacidad para tratar un amplio número de sustratos:
- Muy energéticos
- Fibrosos
- El ahorro en gastos superfluos (ej. menor tamaño de los tanques) se destina a equipar la planta con equipos de alta calidad.
- Proveedores con cientos de referencias en depósitos, gasómetros, bombas y agitadores.
- Laboratorio propio para determinar el potencial metanogénico, la selección del inóculo y el diseño de la dieta.